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Saturday, July 19, 2008

Ignorant White Boy

Nowadays I find myself with extra time on my hands. I don't know if this is good or bad. So browsing through Google I stumbled across this young man's blog and.... It just shows how hatefulness is permeated down to our time. Well, I'll let you judge for yourself. Let me know what you think or you can let him know. Here it is below.


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proud 2 be white
Proud 2 be white
Proud To Be White

you call me "Cracker", "Whitey", "Gringo" and you think it's OK.

...But when I call you Kike, sand nigger, rag head ,Towelhead, WOP, Camel Jockey, Gook, nigger, slant eyes or Chink you call me a racist.

-You say that whites commit a lot of violence against you, so why are the ghettos the most dangerous places to live?

-You have the United Negro College Fund.

-You have Martin Luther King Day.

-You have Black History Month.

-You have Cesar Chavez Day.

-You have Yom Hashoah

-You have Ma'uled Al-Nabi

-You have the NAACP.

-You have BET.

-If we had WET(white entertainment television) ...we'd be racist.

-If we had a White Pride Day... you would call us racist.

-If we had white history month... we'd be racist.

-If we had an organization for only whites to "advance" our lives... we'd be racist.

-If we had a college fund that only gave white students know we'd be racist.

-In the Million Man March, you believed that you were marching for your race and rights. If we marched for our race and would call us racist.

-Did you know that some high school students decided to make a club for only the white students because the other ethnicities had them... they all got sent to court for being racist but the african-american, Latino, and Asia clubs were not even questioned.

-You are proud to be black, brown, yellow and orange, and you're not afraid to announce it. But when we announce our white pride, you call us racists.

As we read through this garbage waste of words we see the real issue.

One his friends had this to say in her comment.

Gawj. said... 7 day ago

That is so true it is actually well out
well at least 1 of us sed it
Love you Lots x x x x x x x x x

This is what I had to say
Well, In all actuality are you really proud to be white? I think most young white America is not proud of herself. Think about this, when did people of color come to a white man's land and take their resources and held the people as captives? It never happened,but you know what did happen;400 years of slavery and oppression to people of color. African Americans have no culture to look to, a country to call our own.Why? It has been erased and lost, in school we get one month of ignoble history facts that are forced rather than taught. Don't you feel that freed captives who were considered 3/5s of a person less than 90 years ago need some type of uplift and encouragement. And what is wrong with Martin Luther King? He fought for justice for all races, colors, and genders. You are not responsible individually for America's darkness, but neither are we. Feel free to comment back Peace

so thats it I guess, educating the uneducated one blog at a time.

1 comment:

Devoted said...

This was actually posted on facebook by a friend of a friend of mine..but it was cut up a little so she didn't intend it to be racist...but as she soon found out she was being really ignorant. Here is what I wrote back...

I have one question,
where do you call yourself a European American..?
You seem to be really comfortable calling people of color
foreigner don't you/we(as a society)..."outcasts"
Maybe we need to get off this whole
racist issue bull
& really start understanding people of color/culture...
You may need to educate yourself on
history other than the slave trade &
the 2 world wars because slavery as well
as war has been around since the start of mankind
whites have enslaved blacks/blacks have enslaved Jews
in fact Africans enslaved Africans & sold them to Europeans
but why does this matter..?

this comment...
"You say that whites commit a lot
of violence against you,
so why are the ghettos the most
dangerous places to live? "

...Is absolute bullshit, where do you(author of this post/Chantel or otherwise)
get off with this rhetoric
Do you have any idea why the majority of people
in the ghetto are black..?
because the rich white folk keep them there
they flood the ghetto with crack/meth & give
the youth little option to get out of this way of living...
They feed them McDonalds & BET thinking all they can ever be is pimps or gangsta rappers
You wonder why Canada is so peaceful yet east Europe/Africa etc.
are in turmoil, its not because were better or nicer or more wanting of peace
its because we've got this way by putting other people down
we took over this goddamn country with are greed
back in 1500's
We don't have much violence because we have shelter, food, heat, school,
a disposable income ..why would we be shooting people up for crack
when we don't live in a crack house..?

people of color do need more aid in a sense because the world is so
white driven if we really were equal than that would be fine,
but we aren't(don't kid yourself that we are)

read about the real issues in the world,
understand how they got there.

I know its hard to really have a clear picture of
this seeing as how were all middle class Canadians.

BET really only hurts black people cause it portrays them
as either rappers or pimps
If there was a station that had meaningful shows & documentary
on the black race(any race but white really) Id be all for it, because we don't have enough
knowledge about people of color.

"If we had WET
(White Entertainment Television)
... We'd be racists."

white people don't need a tv station we got TV on lock
come on tv is catered to whites 24/7
what would WET show on there station re-runs of friends & documentaries on Clinton...

You really want to be equal..?
Then get ready to be dipped negatively, because we have more than enough
of are share of a high standard of living

your other comments
"white history month"
...Schools cater to white people all the people we learn about are white in school
life in general is catered to white people
yet your ready to bitch because
we have martin Luther king day
& black history month
we should be proud we have even that because we have little
knowledge taught in schools of any culture other than European

Schools, Government, money, jobs all cater to white people
In fact your backward comments are reasons pro-white groups use to enforce racism
& I'm tried of this shit...
We need to cut boarders & lies

Do you know what the Minstrel show is..?
I'm guessing most of you don't, but I can guarantee you every black person does.

I know this probably sounds like a huge rant,
you don't have to take my word for it
I only speak the truth
if you think it isn't prove me
learn for yourself!!

& to answer your main question I don't care
if some dude calls me whitey, cracker, or honkey
because there just stupid ignorant human beings
who don't know me.
I ignore there bullshit
I wouldn't let it bother me if some guy was calling
my mother a hoe or something(lol for lack of a better idea)
Its just a stupid comment just like racism is!!
don't let it be bigger than it is "TOTAL BULLSHIT" know what I just thought of all the racist
words mostly mean "dumb ignorant human being"
really that slang has always been used for one term "poor people"
racism is noting but classism...
people have got it twisted...
Its the truth
rich leaders have been fucking us up since day one & they make us fight amongst
each other like were really getting somewhere with it..
So whats really funny is the people that use
racist words nowadays are themselves the definition of the word...dumb & ignorant...


and just to let you know I'm a white guy so this is a white guy response if that matters