Okay, so football season has begun and I can't wait to watch Tampa Bay get down. This presidential race is becoming historic and ever livelier as the days of summer fade away. Many people are still looking for a form of substance and electrifying entertainment. If you do seek this than do not waste 2 hours of your life on this years Mtv "music” Award show. How do you say uhmm...Hot Garbage! Don't get me wrong I've been a fan of MTV for a cool minute now. I remember the Puff tribute to B.I.G, the Madonna jump offs, that year with Eminem was sick also. Enough of the past though its 2008 and everyone wants a little swag. Doesn't that word rhyme closely with the term f__(you fill in the blanks). The invasion of tight jeans, lip rings, and rappers who sing are upon us. Usually if the musical performances are sub par you can rely on the host for some extra kicks. Not the case on Sunday night. I refuse to mention his name and give him more undue attention on my site. Brittany Spears won three awards for a video halve of the people in the room never saw. I never thought I'd see the day when I could say BET's award show delivers way more than MTV. Where are the strong female vocalists? Rihanna.(smmfh) Where are the hip hop heavyweights? T-Wayne.(smmfh) And way to close out the show Kanye. Put me to sleep with that voice tuner ish. Come on MTV. Better luck next time.
Okay so they say when it rains it pours. I wonder if they were referring to Florida when making that comment. After all we are known for our infamous hurricane weather in the late summer. Well, I'm far from a meteorologist I'm more fitted cap to the back then dress shirt and slacks. But I would have to say that Florida's music scene is launching an array of hurricanes on the music industry. I recently experienced Treal's video for "Spaceship". In this day and age where it is easy to throw the latest video vixen in the midst of some tight jean wearing rapper boasting on the valuables he has yet to conquer. It is refreshing to view something innovative and fresh as Publix tomatoes. This is a major reason the south is the dominant region in popular hip hop circles today. As a long time fan of hip hop and a self proclaimed hip hop head, I tend to listen first for lyrical content. Just as a womanizer looks at a woman first for booty I mean beauty. This is not Treal's strong point and weaponry in this game. It has more to do with swag and creativity. Their ability to take you on a journey and feel apart of the music rather than a spectator has earned them a spot for international recognition. I would like to see them carry along this same genius into the rest of their career.
I usually start these blogs off in a question in rhetorical form and answer in a politically correct or conscious way. Today is just not one of those days. One has to wonder why are there so many evil people in the world who conspire to be malicious towards others. A lot of people will say that it is the "dark side", evil forces, and that snake who talked to Eve. If this is the case and their is a "bad" side then we have to ask ourselves where are the Jedi knights, the angels, the heroes of our everyday Gotham cities. Well, some will say it is the police, the courts, the "justice" system. So we supposedly have a war going on between good and evil. So who is winning? When is it not enough to call the police and pray for justice. How long must our families be victims and pawns used in this war between good and evil. What happens to the pure at heart whose insides become tainted with hate and turn to revenge for never receiving the so called "justice". Then due to his actions he is considered for judgement and chastisement. When all along he just wanted retribution and a sense of clarity to rectify his soul from the arrows of the wicked. I guess I'm somewhat in the middle of a wrestling match;the evil side keeps hitting me and the good is acting idle as a spectator.
Well, today I'm starting something fresh for my hip hop community. This is the first audio pollution blog. A look into wack or just unsustainable garbage submitted through rap form via the Internet. Today we will be looking into a new track created by E-Shy from Harlem,New York.Just take a look.
Okay, for all you aspiring to be rappers and entertainers. When making a point you should first research it thoroughly, this not only saves you embarrassment it secures you an audience. E-Shy reminds me of my neighbor's dog. He loves to bark really loud. We all listen yet, nothing changes and we walk away uninformed. Only irritated at the animal's voice intruding on our peace. I do applaud his bravery to stand against the grain and swim contrary to the wave of masses. He has an awkward flow which does not lay over the beat smoothly as the rapper from ATL he tries to slander. If I were E-SHY I would find an alternative means of expressing myself. I could not imagine creating a country song(the genre dominated by white Americans)dissing John McCain. That would be bizarre unless it was a publicity stunt. And for E-Shy's case I think this is what his career will be defined as.
Okay I guess I'm a little late with this story, but so is the US government. There is talk of an apology from the U.S government to black people for their role in slavery. As detrimental as this has been to us there are people in this community who feel an apology will be meaningless. And others who say why do deserve an apology, you guys were not slaves. uhhhhh(breathing tirelessly). I guess that's what I'm here for. Well, I would like to say that slavery and Jim Crow laws have had a major effect on the lives of black Americans past and present. To simply say that we were not physically slaves in the 1800s is an attempt to nullify the KKK, segregation, Jim Crow, police brutality and multiple post white oppression thrown our (black America) way. This apology does two things: helps the global image of the United States government, and sets up a case for reparations(since they are admitting a fault, in court that is followed by some type of compensation). A friend of mine stated that she did not want some monetary compensation for the dehumanising of our people. And trust me I agree with you that I am not looking for a check in the mail to solve our problems. I'd rather see that money being used for advancement in our communities. Things as free college for four years, grants for black owned businesses, etc. And just for further enlightenment it will be hard for us to get rid of animosity and inferiority towards America. You have to think about over 400 years of oppression and finally a apology. Give us some more time. Peace.
So what is propaganda? Well, the dictionary defines it as a concerted set of messages aimed at influencing the opinions or behaviors of large number of people. This video might be surprising to the blinded wave of naive people in America. Now I am not one for conspiracy theories and myths, but as the elections get closer and closer the dirt under the skirt of America just becomes more visible. If in fact the government has its hand up Fox backside like a puppet. Then where is the real news, the real voice of the people on the national level. What are they hiding from us and why. You see this is where conspiracy comes into play. When we turn on the idiot box and saturate all of the poison they pitch to us we become victims of propaganda. I like to call it Goonification. Can we really call what they do news? Yeah, I guess we can. What we should not call it is truth. This is more of a biased truth or half-truth. So looking back on Fox news this year we see the same anti- hip hop journalism. The redundant push of racist remarks and ideals on black America. And to think all of this is coming from the White house. Hopefully more of us will awaken after this enlightening expose.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
So we all been through it before, right? Well, not all of us. This video took me way back to my head over heels young and full of you know what days. Her name was....never mind her name is not vital too this discussion. I remember thinking about her everyday. I used to work out in the morning and the evening so I could be suitable for her. I did my research on her and joined a group of others who had her in their list of goals. She wanted me to train hard and fight for her. And like I said before I was a tenderfoot boy and she seemed so promising. I had to wait until I was 18 before I could officially be with her. I told my parents about her and they said she was dangerous, but I told her she promised me a future. How could they resist my happiness. My friends told me I could die due to my infatuation for her. Many young men like myself have jumped out of planes, left their families, and killed other men for her reverence. I guess love a make you do crazy things. Then one night the unthinkable happened; she told me to go to Iraq and destroy innocent people and that's when I realized my parents, friends, and others were right about her.
Nowadays I find myself with extra time on my hands. I don't know if this is good or bad. So browsing through Google I stumbled across this young man's blog and.... It just shows how hatefulness is permeated down to our time. Well, I'll let you judge for yourself. Let me know what you think or you can let him know. Here it is below. FrAzzle www.bebo.com
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proud 2 be white Proud 2 be white Proud To Be White
you call me "Cracker", "Whitey", "Gringo" and you think it's OK.
...But when I call you Kike, sand nigger, rag head ,Towelhead, WOP, Camel Jockey, Gook, nigger, slant eyes or Chink you call me a racist.
-You say that whites commit a lot of violence against you, so why are the ghettos the most dangerous places to live?
-You have the United Negro College Fund.
-You have Martin Luther King Day.
-You have Black History Month.
-You have Cesar Chavez Day.
-You have Yom Hashoah
-You have Ma'uled Al-Nabi
-You have the NAACP.
-You have BET.
-If we had WET(white entertainment television) ...we'd be racist.
-If we had a White Pride Day... you would call us racist.
-If we had white history month... we'd be racist.
-If we had an organization for only whites to "advance" our lives... we'd be racist.
-If we had a college fund that only gave white students scholarships...you know we'd be racist.
-In the Million Man March, you believed that you were marching for your race and rights. If we marched for our race and rights...you would call us racist.
-Did you know that some high school students decided to make a club for only the white students because the other ethnicities had them... they all got sent to court for being racist but the african-american, Latino, and Asia clubs were not even questioned.
-You are proud to be black, brown, yellow and orange, and you're not afraid to announce it. But when we announce our white pride, you call us racists.
As we read through this garbage waste of words we see the real issue.
One his friends had this to say in her comment. Gawj. said... 7 day ago
That is so true it is actually well out well at least 1 of us sed it Love you Lots x x x x x x x x x
This is what I had to say Well, In all actuality are you really proud to be white? I think most young white America is not proud of herself. Think about this, when did people of color come to a white man's land and take their resources and held the people as captives? It never happened,but you know what did happen;400 years of slavery and oppression to people of color. African Americans have no culture to look to, a country to call our own.Why? It has been erased and lost, in school we get one month of ignoble history facts that are forced rather than taught. Don't you feel that freed captives who were considered 3/5s of a person less than 90 years ago need some type of uplift and encouragement. And what is wrong with Martin Luther King? He fought for justice for all races, colors, and genders. You are not responsible individually for America's darkness, but neither are we. Feel free to comment back @thegoonification.blogspot.com. Peace
so thats it I guess, educating the uneducated one blog at a time.
Well, yesterday I thought I would take a trip to see my baby girl and take her to the doctor's office on the other side of town. unfortunately I had to stop by the local rape station I mean Gas station and try to juice up my Buick. I figured thirty dollars would do me justice, boy was I wrong. My tank meter barely moved but, that's not the only problem. As I'm pulling off another young brother was at the pump getting "monetarily raped" and I noticed he had on the new Nelly song dedicated to Jordan's brand of shoes. Knowing the influence our music has on the younger generation and the deplorable condition of our economy. One has to think why are we still telling people to ball outrageously and splurge on material pleasures of no value. I'm not trying to use Nelly as the scapegoat, but why is this the number one rap song in the country. Whatever happened to the slogan that said ummm.....KEEP IT REAL! What is going to happen to these tenderfoot kids who follow mainstream raps "fantasy" lifestyle? Well, when they spend all their bread and lettuce on Jay's when it is time for rent and other liabilities chances are the criminalized practices will follow. It seems like the record companies are spending too much time with quantity rather quality. Or could it be that the audience in today's age is changing. Just like a candy bar, people don't eat them for their nutritional value. They just like them because they are sweet and easily accessible. Hopefully, hip hop doesn't become, just an another unhealthy indulgence.
1). One man's determination to not only survive in a unloving and unjust world,but to also succeed through observation and education. 2). An enlightening and awakening experience told through the perspective of an 80s baby.
ABC is an acronym for "all bout' change".The change I am talking about is not monetary,but more of a change in how we think and act.I am always willing to learn new things. It may be new cultures,languages,foods,ideas as long as it improves my life and those who are around me.Peace love and education.
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