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I Bleed Hip HOp

Monday, August 25, 2008

My Favorite Music Video (finally)

Okay so they say when it rains it pours. I wonder if they were referring to Florida when making that comment. After all we are known for our infamous hurricane weather in the late summer. Well, I'm far from a meteorologist I'm more fitted cap to the back then dress shirt and slacks. But I would have to say that Florida's music scene is launching an array of hurricanes on the music industry. I recently experienced Treal's video for "Spaceship". In this day and age where it is easy to throw the latest video vixen in the midst of some tight jean wearing rapper boasting on the valuables he has yet to conquer. It is refreshing to view something innovative and fresh as Publix tomatoes. This is a major reason the south is the dominant region in popular hip hop circles today. As a long time fan of hip hop and a self proclaimed hip hop head, I tend to listen first for lyrical content. Just as a womanizer looks at a woman first for booty I mean beauty. This is not Treal's strong point and weaponry in this game. It has more to do with swag and creativity. Their ability to take you on a journey and feel apart of the music rather than a spectator has earned them a spot for international recognition. I would like to see them carry along this same genius into the rest of their career.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

My Wrestling Match

I usually start these blogs off in a question in rhetorical form and answer in a politically correct or conscious way. Today is just not one of those days. One has to wonder why are there so many evil people in the world who conspire to be malicious towards others. A lot of people will say that it is the "dark side", evil forces, and that snake who talked to Eve. If this is the case and their is a "bad" side then we have to ask ourselves where are the Jedi knights, the angels, the heroes of our everyday Gotham cities. Well, some will say it is the police, the courts, the "justice" system. So we supposedly have a war going on between good and evil. So who is winning? When is it not enough to call the police and pray for justice. How long must our families be victims and pawns used in this war between good and evil. What happens to the pure at heart whose insides become tainted with hate and turn to revenge for never receiving the so called "justice". Then due to his actions he is considered for judgement and chastisement. When all along he just wanted retribution and a sense of clarity to rectify his soul from the arrows of the wicked. I guess I'm somewhat in the middle of a wrestling match;the evil side keeps hitting me and the good is acting idle as a spectator.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Audio Pollution Vol 1

Well, today I'm starting something fresh for my hip hop community. This is the first audio pollution blog. A look into wack or just unsustainable garbage submitted through rap form via the Internet. Today we will be looking into a new track created by E-Shy from Harlem,New York.Just take a look.

Okay, for all you aspiring to be rappers and entertainers. When making a point you should first research it thoroughly, this not only saves you embarrassment it secures you an audience. E-Shy reminds me of my neighbor's dog. He loves to bark really loud. We all listen yet, nothing changes and we walk away uninformed. Only irritated at the animal's voice intruding on our peace. I do applaud his bravery to stand against the grain and swim contrary to the wave of masses. He has an awkward flow which does not lay over the beat smoothly as the rapper from ATL he tries to slander. If I were E-SHY I would find an alternative means of expressing myself. I could not imagine creating a country song(the genre dominated by white Americans)dissing John McCain. That would be bizarre unless it was a publicity stunt. And for E-Shy's case I think this is what his career will be defined as.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Apology for slavery?? What about every thing else

Okay I guess I'm a little late with this story, but so is the US government. There is talk of an apology from the U.S government to black people for their role in slavery. As detrimental as this has been to us there are people in this community who feel an apology will be meaningless. And others who say why do deserve an apology, you guys were not slaves. uhhhhh(breathing tirelessly). I guess that's what I'm here for. Well, I would like to say that slavery and Jim Crow laws have had a major effect on the lives of black Americans past and present. To simply say that we were not physically slaves in the 1800s is an attempt to nullify the KKK, segregation, Jim Crow, police brutality and multiple post white oppression thrown our (black America) way. This apology does two things: helps the global image of the United States government, and sets up a case for reparations(since they are admitting a fault, in court that is followed by some type of compensation). A friend of mine stated that she did not want some monetary compensation for the dehumanising of our people. And trust me I agree with you that I am not looking for a check in the mail to solve our problems. I'd rather see that money being used for advancement in our communities. Things as free college for four years, grants for black owned businesses, etc. And just for further enlightenment it will be hard for us to get rid of animosity and inferiority towards America. You have to think about over 400 years of oppression and finally a apology. Give us some more time. Peace.